We look forward to our little baby when we are pregnant. We have dreams of our beautiful baby in a blue or pink blanket. We think of cuddling in the winter and swimming in the summer. We know we will have to work off the baby weight but hey, we have a whole year off work to do it right? Then reality hits. The baby weight is not coming off and everything is broken! What did my baby do to my body?

I never, ever imagined peeing myself doing  jumping jacks.

I LOVE being at home with a baby. I would have more if I could afford it. I do not mind diapers, I do not mind night feedings and I love being at home with them. I do not love what happened to my body after several children.

There is a reason your mom never told you this. If she did, no one would have 4 babies, after all, moms want grandchildren. You do not really think about it either. I did not worry about it after my first or really my second. This last baby has made me stop and think about it. I sit here writing at my computer almost bald, squinting, missing a piece of my tooth wearing my super support bra and control top leggings and then I forget what I was going to do….

I never stopped to think about it before. A social media post brought up the subject which made me sit down and made a list of all the things a baby changed in my body. This blog post is not about complaining but for fun because I found it entertaining to make the list and I thought I would share it with you. Here it is:

What did my baby do to my body?

  • My hair is falling out in chunks, I can not wear my hair down
  • My eye sight got worse with each baby
  • Baby Brain… I somehow lost IQ points
  • Needing extensive dental work after each baby
  • Breasts that no longer are full and perky
  • One boob is bigger then the other, by a lot
  • No one told me my tummy would be as wrinkled as a 15 year old pug
  • Thighs have spread
  • My ab strength became non-existent
  • Pelvic floor is weakened, it is dangerous to sneeze
  • My pre-baby shoes do not fit

Now some of these problems are fixable. My hair will grow back, or so they tell me.  I can get new glasses. I can fix my teeth and buy more shoes.

I am also lucky. I have access to a product that have helped me with my sagging skin. I was able to stock up before the baby. I also started taking a brain supplement again to improve my focus, memory and energy. I had been on this before but unable to take while pregnant or nursing. I feel all around better on this supplement. I joined Hot Mama, a wonderful group of moms working on getting fit. All of these things have me starting to feel a little bit more like myself.

So why do we all do it? Because having our babies is the best thing that has ever happened to us in our entire life. Our children reward us each day with their love and joy. I can not even imagine my life without all our children. They truly are a blessing and I am very thankful for them. I would gladly do anything for them, including any changes to my body. They are like badges of honour.

However, I just might have to have a funeral for my one dead boob.

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Written by Ellyn Figley
Helping moms feel less crazy