About Me

Helping moms feel AMAZING on the inside and out with brand new confidence


Ellyn and Josh wedding

I am currently a working mom of a large family but it did not start out that way. In the early 2000’s, I had 2 kiddos and then went through a divorce.  In time, I met my best friend and partner  Josh and he came with 2 kiddos as well –  our blended family also included our blended pets!   The six of us were making it work in our tiny house, and I was WORKING AT A FULL TIME JOB that had flexible hours.  For those who know me, I am a bit unique. I have tattoos and blue streaks in my hair – and so  what does my crazy self  do? My crazy self though what we need is a new baby!  WELCOME NEW BABY!

Have you ever had a year or two (or longer) in your life where everything went wrong? you are not alone. The whole bottom fell out of our life in the last few years. We lost our financial stability and savings, had legal problems and had 2 of our children suffered abuse at someone else’s hands. During this giant mess, I was pregnant and my husband was  unemployed.

My saving grace was a company that I had joined before so many things had gone sideways.   It came at a very insane time in my life when I was crazy busy, and I did not think I could  add one more thing. In retrospect, I have no idea how I though I would have the time but it just felt right, and there was no way I could pass up this opportunity. A big part of what they encouraged us to do is personal development.

Personal development is working on ourselves to grow and become a better version of ourselves. familyNow, I am working with a team of positive people all making  themselves better. This personal development for myself and the positivity of the people I me through the company are what got me through this horrific time.  The people and the mind set.

So now our finances are in the toilet but I have 5 kids to support and I am on maternity leave dreading the day I have to leave my baby. Seriously, the day she was born I first started stressing over it. I know how fast the first year goes and I want to stay home with her. I want to be able to work around a baby and the 4 other kid’s schedules. I want to make their school performances and rugby games and guess what? 


My focus on health and wellness fit right into the business philosophy. Since then, it has been life changing. Not only with financial freedom but with our personal growth. I have learned so much and love to share it.

comfort xone

So here I am, deciding to write a blog. I am a bit nervous, I have to tell you. I want to help people feel good on the inside and out.  My goal is to help moms get through their crazy days, maybe even make life a little easier. I want to share my passion for positivity, wellness and lets face it, I will share my parenting fails! This blog is for every mom trying to have it all! I hope you can share this journey with me.


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