What types of things do your do for yourself? Self care sounds so easy but many of us do not practice it. Some people interpret self care as selfish and others feel guilty when they focus time and energy on themselves. Parents now are working, running kids to activities and trying to keep house. Each day is jam packed and their focus is on the kids not themselves or their partner.  Many schools and parents are starting to teach the importance of self care to our kids because people are realizing how important it.

The definition of self-care is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. When practicing self-care, you might find improved mood and reduced anxiety. It is also key to a good relationship with oneself and others.  Once you have positive energy for yourself, you can transmit the good feelings to others.

The biggest challenge I have is making the time. With having so many kids at our house, I can block out some time to exercise or read a book but often times a kid needs a haircut or a ride to a friend’s house. I continue to struggle to say no even though I know I should be carving out this time for myself and teaching my children that self care is important. This is where the guilt can swing back as well.

Currently, I have decided to change my evening routine. I used to work at night, right up until an hour before bed. Then, it would be so hard to wind down that I would often be up an hour or so after I should be in bed. For a couple years I would say, “I will sleep when I am dead”.

This month, I have started to finish my work by 9 pm so I have time to read or watch tv before bed. I am also working to go to bed earlier to get more sleep. My goal is to make this a self care habit. If my body has the time to relax each night and gets rest, then I will be better equipped to manage stress, exercise, and be efficient at work the next day.

Self care does not have to be extravagant like a spa day or a trip to Mexico. It can be little things that you build into your daily routine.

Self Care Tips:



Sleep helps the body and mind repair each night which can reduce chances of heart disease, weight gain, mood fluctuations and illness. Your brain flushes out waste while you sleep as well. Although you might “feel” ok with 6 hours of sleep a night, your body will not be getting what it needs. Make this a priority in your life.


If reducing stress was simple, we would all be doing it. There are things that we do not have control over but often stress can be reduced with intention. Many of these self care tips will also reduce stress as well.

Healthy Foods

This is another one that seems easy but takes dedication and effort. Start by adding as many fruits and vegetables as you can into your diet and avoiding processed foods and refined sugar. Eating healthy is a lifestyle, not a diet. This seems like work not self care but it is both. You need to be deliberate to give your body the physical support it needs.


The benefits of exercise have been listed to us since elementary school so I am not going to list them all. Just remember, taking time to go for just a walk will help your body and mind deal with stress and prevent illnesses and injuries.


It is not vain to want to look nice. Putting on a shirt you love or even some mascara to go to the store can give you a big mental boost. You might walk a little taller, feel more confident or even more happy. Invest in yourself.

Say No

This was my New Year’s Resolution this year. Often we are busy because we do not say no to the little things. Perhaps you run a school fundraiser, offer to drive car pool, take a class with a friend or take on an extra project. These little things all add up within your week, month or year. Learning to say no can help.

Schedule It

Make time for some self care. Take a scheduled yoga class, plan dinner with a friend or put your downtime in your calendar. Make this a priority and do not let your family steal it. A family calendar is a great way to show your kids that your time is important too and booked in advance or protected.

Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations help reduce negative thoughts and self sabotage. This can increase your happiness and even increase your chances of success. Put some sticky notes on your mirror and beside your bed. Try to say your affirmations out loud several times a day.


The simple act of making the space around you tidy can significantly decrease your stress and anxiety. While it might not seem important or relevant, this simple task will really surprise you with its effects.


A pet can provide much comfort and joy or even reduce loneliness. Studies show that caring for a pet can also reduce blood pressure and even cholesterol.


When I think of the benefits of friends, I think of laughing, feeling accepted and of belonging. Spending time with friends can decrease stress and increase self-worth and happiness. Make some plans with your friends right away!


Life is crazy and extremely busy. Although you can not be able to fit large amounts of self care in every day, you can however do something that you love every day. Doing something little like enjoying a glass of wine or having a bath is self care. Doing things that bring you joy is still self care.




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Written by Ellyn Figley
Helping moms feel less crazy