Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be at home with my kids when they were little. Many of my friends were more career oriented but this has always been my dream. I love the first few years of a child’s life. Children learn so much in this time and it is important to me to be a part of it. Toddlers and young children find so much joy in the little things they experience, it is truly refreshing. I also really like baking, crafts, the park and all the assorted baby and toddler activities.  I am a bit of a nerd that way.


After my divorce, I had to go return to work to support myself and my kids. My youngest Kaede, was 4 so I was comfortable that we had had 4 whole years together and I had 7 years with my son Jack. I was very fortunate to find the best job I ever had, other then being a mom. I really enjoyed my 7 years at his job but time flew by. Soon, I had remarried and had another baby. This time, we already had a large blended family to support so staying at home was not as easy financially. However, right from Ravyn’s birth, I felt this strong need to be home with her. She really is a joy. Luckily, I was already working with a great company which allows me to continue to be a stay at home mom and make money. 


I work with a great team of people that really help each other. One of my mentors is a real help and inspiration to me. Alison has worked hard to make her family a priority while being extremely successful and is always around to help others do the same. Lots of people ask me if I can really make enough money to support a family working from home!  Alison clearly demonstrates this PLUS more!


Stay at Home Mom And Making Money: Meet Alison

Alison spent the first 15 years of her career busting her ass. At her practice as an OBGyn, she put in 80-100 hours a week and spent many long nights at the hospital. This meant she had to have 2 nannies working more then full time with her 18 month old. Alison told me she felt lots of stress wanting to be home with her son and also with her mom who was ill. The opportunity came along!


Fast forward 5 years to today and Alison is living a life she chooses. She loves being an OBGyn so she chooses to work 2 shifts a month. Her days are spent working from home and spending time with her two kids aged 2 and 6, family and friends. This is true time freedom. Alison has remodeled her beautiful home, paid for private school for her son, is driving a luxury car that is paid by the company AND is getting ready for her second all expense paid vacation. Most importantly, she is having fun.


Congratulations Alison and family. You are a true success story.


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Written by Ellyn Figley
Helping moms feel less crazy